Relationships are at the heart of ministry. Your generous gift allows us to give hope and love through tangible ministries.
Food distribution, Bibles, Missionary Support, Pastor Support and Children's programing and more.
Send a check to: "Just 1 Global" 3711 Kenosha Dr. NW Rochester, MN 55901
Please add the cause or person in the memo!
Through Just 1 Global:
Pastors are being encouraged and equipped
Grocery bags are given to families in need
International missionaries are being sent out
Christian businesses are started, supported, and encouraged
Children with disabilities and Children's programs are supported
Sports ministries are supported
Children's homes are supported
Just 1 matches are being made through communities across the world
Ongoing and consistent relationships are key to discipleship and Hope fulfilled.
With mission trips going out throughout the year, your gift can empower us to multiple our ongoing efforts.